European Medicines Regulatory Framework

European Medicines Regulatory Framework

The European Medicines Regulatory Network has adopted a Common Standard for the electronic product information (ePI) on medicines in the European Union (EU). The product information (PI) of a medicine includes the package leaflet for patients and the summary of...

Information on availability of translations to and from Ukrainian

Dear Clients, In view of the war in Ukraine, the demand for translations to and from Ukrainian is rapidly growing and will probably remain high in the months to come. Many of our business partners reach out to KONTEKST to confirm the availability of translators, as...

KONTEKST donates to the Ocalenie Foundation

As a signatory of the Diversity Charter we are committed to respecting human rights and protecting minors, upholding equality, democracy and diversity as fundamental values, preventing discrimination and supporting the development of a multicultural society. Observing...

KONTEKST has been listed in this year’s Forbes Diamonds ranking

We are extremely happy and proud to announce that KONTEKST has been listed in this year’s Forbes Diamonds ranking. We have been recognized as one of the companies most successful in increasing their value over the last three years. Our financial results qualified us...

KONTEKST has acquired the BTInfo translation agency

We are pleased to announce that KONTEKST has acquired the BTInfo translation agency, thus expanding our client portfolio, translator base and technological assets. The final version of the agreement between the two companies was mutually signed in October, and the...