Staff development – ICH-GCP (E6-R2) training course

We are pleased to announce that our entire Quality Control Department as well as selected staff from other departments at KONTEKST have completed a training course titled ICH GCP in English – Good Clinical Practice offered by a renowned company Whitehall...

KONTEKST sponsors MEDmeetsTECH #mHealth

December 9th is the next MEDmeetsTECH conference sponsored by KONTEKST! This edition will be dedicated to the area of #mHealth and new technological solutions in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. There will also be time for presentations of the most...
RARE DISEASES – a challenge for clinical research

RARE DISEASES – a challenge for clinical research

Even though names such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, hemophilia, retinoblastoma or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis often come up in medical shows, in real life they fall in the category of rare diseases. In the European Union, a disease is defined as...
Choose your starting point for communicating with Europe

Choose your starting point for communicating with Europe

Are you… registering the company abroad? placing new products on the market? struggling to reach another milestone in your clinical study? If you want to successfully grow your business or conduct comprehensive research, do not limit yourself to your home market....