KONTEKST at PHASE 2024: Supporting Communication in Biotechnology

We’re proud to have been the technology partner at PHASE 2024, one of the leading biotechnology conferences this year. Over the course of two days, KONTEKST provided language services, including simultaneous translation of the conference sessions. This allowed...
Overcoming Language Barriers in Clinical Trial Recruitment

Overcoming Language Barriers in Clinical Trial Recruitment

In clinical trials, recruiting diverse participants is crucial to ensure comprehensive and representative research outcomes. However, language differences can pose significant challenges, particularly in communicating with potential participants from various cultural...

KONTEKST Becomes Technology Partner for PHASE 2024 Conference

We are happy to announce that KONTEKST is the official technology partner for PHASE 2024, the largest biotechnology conference in Poland. We will provide language support for this important event. PHASE 2024 is a major event for the medical biotechnology sector. It...
The Impact of Localization on Customer Experience

The Impact of Localization on Customer Experience

In today’s global market, customer experience is more crucial than ever. Speaking your customer’s language goes beyond mere words. It’s about cultural connection, understanding local nuances, and ensuring your message resonates authentically. The...