The constantly changing needs of our business partners inspire and drive our development. To meet the expectations of our clients, we have expanded our services beyond translation to include a spectrum of offerings related to the life sciences, medicine, and pharmacy...
Different language versions of study-related materials rate among the basic tools used to increase patient diversity in clinical trials. They are of particular importance because language barriers may prevent information about a conducted study from reaching potential...
CEBioForum 2023, a conference for the biotechnology sector will take place on April 18 and 19, 2023. This is the event that supports development of the Polish life sciences market by bringing together more than 100 exhibitors and about 2,000 participants from around...
For everybody involved in the medical industry it is obvious that in order to speed up the development of new medicines, efforts should be made to involve the society, particularly patients, in this process to a bigger extent. In order to achieve this goal, the...
Following the recent pandemic, clinical trials became the ‘buzz word’ not only in the medical community, but also in society in general. Consequently, the definition of a clinical trial is now widely known: in short, it is any trial conducted in humans in order to...