
KONTEKST A. Wolski sp. k.

ul. Nowogrodzka 56A, 00-695 Warszawa

KONTEKST Translations provides services to corporate clients only.


Customer Service Department

+48 22 548 07 00
+48 509 029 828

Customer Relations Department

+48 518 387 588

Accounting Department

+48 797 974 003

Vendor Management Department

+48 512 096 217

Data Protection Officer:

Magdalena Nazar, gd**@ko******.com


Working hours
from Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm.

District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw,
XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
KRS: 0000601266
NIP: 1132194970
REGON: 016219230