The rapid development of machine translation (MT) technology has generated significant interest in its application across industries, including life sciences. Companies in pharmaceutical, medical, and clinical research sectors are always searching for faster, cost-effective ways to manage multilingual documentation. Machine translation appears to offer a solution. However, when dealing with regulated and technical fields like medicine and clinical research, there are critical limitations that require human expertise.

What Machine Translation Can Do in Life Sciences

  1. Handling High-Volume, Low-Stakes Texts Machine translation can be highly efficient when processing large volumes of routine texts, such as internal communications, user manuals, or product descriptions. These texts are usually repetitive and less complex, making them well-suited for MT, particularly with post-editing by a human linguist.
  2. Translating General Medical Information MT can also be useful in translating basic medical information or common terminologies in well-established languages. For example, when translating patient education materials or health articles, MT can provide a quick draft that a human translator can then refine for accuracy and nuance.
  3. Supporting Multilingual Searches MT can aid researchers by translating search results and abstracts from foreign languages, allowing them to access research papers in multiple languages quickly. This initial step can help in understanding the general idea of a document before deciding if a full, detailed translation is necessary.

The Limits of Machine Translation in Life Sciences

  1. Regulatory Compliance Life sciences sectors like pharmaceuticals and clinical research are highly regulated. Errors in translated documents, such as clinical trial reports or regulatory submissions, can result in non-compliance with local or international regulations. Machine translation is not capable of understanding these regulations and may overlook specific legal terms or nuances that are essential to compliance. Only professional human translators who specialize in the field can ensure that all documents meet regulatory standards.
  2. Medical Terminology and Contextual Accuracy Medical and pharmaceutical translations require precision in both terminology and context. Machine translation often struggles with understanding the subtleties of medical language, especially when it comes to ambiguous or complex terms. A wrong translation of a drug dosage or a clinical procedure could have serious consequences. Human experts in the field know the specific terminology and context, ensuring the translation is not only accurate but also safe for medical application.
  3. Cultural and Linguistic Nuances Life sciences translations need to be culturally adapted to the target audience, particularly for patient-facing materials like consent forms or patient information leaflets. Machine translation fails to recognize cultural sensitivities or the need to adapt language to local practices. A professional human translator understands the importance of making these materials understandable and culturally appropriate for the intended audience.
  4. Confidentiality and Security Concerns Life sciences involve sensitive and proprietary data, including patient information and pharmaceutical formulas. Using machine translation, especially in cloud-based platforms, can expose this sensitive data to security risks. Human translators, particularly those working with secure systems and under strict confidentiality agreements, ensure that sensitive data is handled appropriately and securely.

When Human Expertise is Irreplaceable

While machine translation can be a valuable tool in speeding up certain processes in life sciences, it cannot replace the expertise required for handling complex, technical, and highly regulated content. In fields where accuracy, compliance, and confidentiality are paramount, professional human translators, like those at KONTEKST, remain essential to ensure that your life sciences documentation is not only translated accurately but also meets all regulatory and safety standards.

This is where we come in. KONTEKST provides specialized language services tailored to the unique needs of the life sciences industry. Whether you are submitting clinical trial documentation or translating patient materials, our expert translators ensure that your translations are not just accurate but compliant, secure, and culturally adapted.