KONTEKST sponsors MEDmeetsTECH #mHealth

December 9th is the next MEDmeetsTECH conference sponsored by KONTEKST! This edition will be dedicated to the area of #mHealth and new technological solutions in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. There will also be time for presentations of the most...

KONTEKST helps enter the european market

KONTEKST helps producer of advanced dental products enter the European market. Project involving 24 European markets and languages. May/June 2021: KONTEKST completed an order in the field of dentistry for one of the Korean biotechnology companies. The project...
4 Reasons Why You Need Pharmaceutical Translation Services

4 Reasons Why You Need Pharmaceutical Translation Services

Clinical research trials are conducted all over the world. Often the same trial for a medication takes place in multiple countries, requiring pharmaceutical translation services. Global drug trials require document translations as well as in-person and video...